Nearly tailor made freestyle dressage music for horses, combine dressage songs

nearly tailor made, freestyle dressage music, music for freestyle, music for horses, freestyle music for dressage

nearly tailor made, freestyle dressage music, music for freestyle, music for horses, freestyle music for dressage

nearly tailor made, freestyle dressage music, music for freestyle, music for horses, freestyle music for dressage
Kürmuziek of kür op muziek? kürmuziek (kür op muziek of dressuurmuziek) op ieder dressuurniveau Kürmusik, Dressur Kür auf Musik Reprise Libre en Musique professionnelle pour dressage, avec choregraphie. musique pour kür
Videos dressage to music Videos dressage to music
From creating the choreography to choosing the music to practicing the freestyle, explained in clear videos.
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Combine favorites Combine freestyle dressage music
I really liked the irish music but wanted to combine it with parts from other freestyles. Choose your order and length made me create my own freestyle.
Special wishes Special wishes
Like tailor made music, other lengths, or a test at another level are also possible. Just send your wishes by e-mail.
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Choose your order and length € 99.95 (± $ 108)

You can combine the parts that you like from all our diffent freestyles to create your personalized freestyle dressage music. Play a video of your horse together with the music at our website to see which music suits your horse most beautiful.

Start with designing your choreography, and time it with a stopwatch. Fill in the order and length of the different parts in minutes and seconds. Of course the music will be welded fluently and is made for you within two days. Do you want to adjust timing, add accents and/or bring in your own music?

Intro length: f.e. 0.23 Listen! Stop!
Greet length:
Part 1  length: Listen! Stop!
Part 2 length: Listen! Stop!
Part 3 length: Listen! Stop!
Part 4 length: Listen! Stop! > Add part 5
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